WorkFit-S  ~  Can I convert a single monitor workstation to a dual?

WorkFit-S ~ Can I convert a single monitor workstation to a dual?

  • Les Miklos
Here is the scenario. You love your WorkFit-S single screen workstation but now want to add second screen. Is there a kit that will allow you to convert your WorkFit-S to hold the second screen? 
Here are three reasons the single WorkFit-S cannot be converted to a dual:
  • the mechanisms that lift and lower the workstation are built for the weight of a single screen. The weight of a second screen and crossbar would be too much.

  •  the pivot that holds the screen would 'droop'  with the extra weight of a second screen and crossbar.

  • there is no safe way to attach the the dual screen crosssbar to the pivot on the single screen workstation. 
We recommend you buy a new WorkFit-S + Dual for yourself. Recycle your single screen workstation to a co-worker!
Use our installation services to set up your new workstation and we will reconfigure the old workstation for your co-worker at no extra charge.

Les Miklos

Les has many years of experience in the industry and is always willing to help solve your equipment mounting challenges!
